Gospel Clarity - Acts

ACTS 15-16:5

After Paul and Barnabas return from their first missionary journey, the gospel message comes under attack. Some believing Jews say that circumcision and law keeping are necessary for salvation. The Jerusalem council clarifies that we are saved by grace through faith without works. And it also calls for personal sacrifice for the sake of unity.


Now that we are in the middle of Acts, think back over the first 15 chapters and think of one story that stands out most. What lesson stood out most clearly from that story?

Peter says that even the Jews couldn’t keep the law (Acts 15:10). This creates questions about the reason for having the law at all. What was the purpose of the law? (Romans 3:19, 21-24)

Why was important that James quote Amos 9?

What are some barriers that we can easily put up that could make it hard for others to understand the gospel?

It’s difficult to give up our rights for others. What has contributed to a me first mindset?

Why did Luke include Acts 15:36-41? Was this a sin issue?



A New Church is Born - Acts


Sent Out - Acts